Counselling & Psychotherapy near Vauxhall SE11
Pimlico Counsellors and Psychotherapists office is located a short walking distance from Vauxhall Station, SE11. If you are commuting via Vauxhall, live or work around SE11 you may find our counsellings & psychotherapy practice conveniently located to meet you needs.
The simplest way to walk from Vauxhall Station is to walking through Vauxhall Bridge and then turn second left into Drummond Gate. You will see Bessborough Place and our counselling and psychotherapy office on the left. Please see the map below showing how to get to us from SE11.
You may also consider taking a bus for a short bus ride (two bus stops) from bus stop A at Vauxhall Bus Station. All buses to Victoria Station will stop near our counselling & psychotherapy office.